I invite you to journey into the medicine of the Divine through the eyes of the rose. The rose is a symbol of Divine Love in all forms. A conscious communion through each phase and season brings true bliss in unfolding the beauty within yourself. Are you ready to re-awaken to that divine essence calling your name? This is for those who want to experience community and support during their healing journey but may need to know where to begin. Sometimes the call to consciously start our healing journey can feel lonely, and sadly the lack of trust within ourselves leaves us "lost" and wondering. I created this journey to support those experiencing a lack of confidence or clarity, having trouble grounding into their bodies and enjoying the human experience, lack purpose, or do not remember their truth. I'm giving the invitation to you to allow me to support you in reconnecting with the purest essence that is always resonating at your core. "THE DIVINE LOVE OF REMEMBRANCE" We will have weekly group calls, and each participant gets a 1-on-1 call with me each week. That 1-on-1 call is personal to you, and you can select how you would want to use the time, be it in a reiki session, sound healing, or me supporting you through contemplation and self-inquiry. This is a 3-month commitment, so please make sure you are ready to make the space and time for this experience to be of service to you. Want to join this group but are experiencing financial struggles? Please send a message.
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app